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NFIP Small Commercial Bootcamp

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IN-Person Two-Day NFIP Small Commercial Bootcamp™






This bootcamp is designed to build from the prior courses in the prerequisite requirements. At the completion of the bootcamps, the adjuster will have completed a NFIP Small Commercial loss that will become a reference document for future similar flood losses. 



Prior to signing up for our in-person, three-day large loss flood claims adjuster training boot camp, you must have attended the NFIP Flood Bootcamps: Dwelling, Manufactured Home & Travel Trailer and completed all the class assignments prior to registering for this Bootcamp. This is the requirement to receive the designation of a Certified Flood Adjuster by the NFIP Flood Bootcamp.

Here are snippets of samples that are covered during the NFIP Small Commercial Bootcamp.


  • Day One is an in-depth review of the General Property Form, Preliminary Report requirements, and real “boots-on-the-ground” inspection of a property that would qualify as a small commercial risk. 360-degree imaging of the risk location.                                                                                                              
  • Day Two is packed with creating token & macro forms, XactimateⓇ forms, and estimating writing of small commercial loss.                                                                          
  • Day Three is assimilating the information into a Complete Claims Package


Requirements to receive the Certification of Completion for “NFIP Small Commercial Flood Adjuster” by the NFIP Flood Bootcamp™:


  • Submit a Preliminary Report of the inspected property
  • Submit an Advance Payment Request for the inspected property
  • Submit an Underwriting Request from the inspected property
  • Submit one estimate from the inspected property
  • Submit one Complete Claim Package from the inspected property
  • All documents will be file reviewed for accuracy. 


For more information on becoming a certified flood adjuster click here.

To find out the difference between Authorized and Certified click here.


 Additional tools you receive by attending the In-Person NFIP Small Commercial Flood Bootcamp™:


  • WebLink to SFIP Forms
  • WebLink to NFIP Claims Manual
  • “Steps to Working an NFIP Flood Loss™”
  • 8-CE Credits for Texas or Indiana after completing all the assignments - pending


For more information on becoming a certified flood adjuster click here.

To find out the difference between Authorized and Certified click here.


What attendees must bring to the Boot Camp:


  • A positive attitude and a willingness to learn
  • Prior XactimateⓇ knowledge - Level 2
  • Working desk-top version of XactimateⓇ X1; make sure you do not bring computer issues. There is no time to resolve your problems. Click here to obtain XactimateⓇ requirements.
  • Your own Laptop, Printer & Paper
  • Field Tools: Camera, Electronic Measure, 30’ Tape, Optional Roll Tape, Plumber Stick Tape 


Bootcamp Discounts:


While we teach you how to create token documents,  estimate macros, and templates, attendees can purchase these proven items at a huge discount.

These items are offered as an a la carte.

Available at the time of purchasing a Boot Camp, or While attending the Bootcamp.


NFIP Small Commercial Bootcamp Schedule:


This Boot Camp is only offered in Chanute, KS

This is a BOOTCAMP! Long Days!

Starts Daily at 8:00 AM

Ending time depends upon subject matter

Last day ending time is around 5:00 PM


Dress: This Bootcamp is about learning, and you will spend a lot of time in a classroom setting; therefore, dress comfortably but be sure not to offend others. On inspection day, you are required to dress business casual; khakis and a collared shirt.

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